High Ability
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Twin Lakes School Corporation is to provide learning opportunities within a safe and enriching environment that will prepare our students to accept their responsibilities as productive citizens and to be prepared for lifelong learning.
In regard to the High Ability Program we believe:
Some students perform at or show the potential to perform at an outstanding level of accomplishment in the core academic areas of language arts and mathematics
These students are found in all socio-economic, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds.
We must identify such students through systematic, on-going procedures.
Our high ability program will provide a supportive learning climate that will enrich and maximize student academic potential.
Definition of High Ability Students
Twin Lakes defines a high ability student as one who performs at, or shows the potential for performing at, an outstanding level of academic accomplishments in math, language arts or both when compared to other students of the same age.
Multifaceted Student Assessment
Twin Lakes School Corporation has a comprehensive student assessment plan which includes measures of aptitude or potential, achievement or performance and qualitative indicators, such as teacher recommendations. Students are considered each year for high ability designation.
Elementary, K-5
For young children, measures of aptitude or potential are very important. Children coming from impoverished or second language backgrounds may not have had enriching experiences prior to attending school; therefore, their scores on achievement tests may be low, despite their advanced potential. Measures of aptitude that are less dependent on experiences and more dependent on reasoning will better enable us to find students with advanced potential. Therefore, students’ aptitudes are measured at three different grade levels to record patterns and accuracy of scores. The CogAT is given to every kindergarten student and select second and fourth grade students.
Norm –Referenced achievement measures or other evidence of ability to perform above grade level are also given. In grades K-2 the STAR Early Literacy test is given. Grades 2-5 use I-Ready ELA data and Math data.
In addition, qualitative indicators provide additional valuable information for high ability identification. Kindergarten and first grade teachers rate the top 25% of their students using a checklist for identifying gifted students. Teachers in grades K-5 have the opportunity to nominate students who they feel should be considered for high ability placement near the end of each school year.
A committee recommends kindergarten students for purposeful placement within first grade classes. Students entering second through fifth grades are recommended for high ability identification and for placement in the cluster program.
Middle School, 6-8
Counselors, teachers, and students use student files, ILEARN, PIVOT and CogAT scores, grades, and teacher recommendations to recommend placement in accelerated reading, language arts, math, and algebra.
High School
At the high school level students begin to take a more active role in self-selecting courses. Counselors use student files, previous test scores and other relevant information to recommend placement in honors and AP courses.
Curriculum and Instruction
Kindergarten and 1st Grade – Purposeful Placement
The continuum of options within the general education classroom include:
General classroom enrichment
Discovery, inquiry, and problem based learning
Enrichment Clusters of inquiry
Integrated Technology
Grades 2-5 – Cluster grouping
Options within grades 2-5 include:
Enrichment clusters of inquiry
Integrated Technology
High levels of abstract thinking
Faster pace of instruction for basic skills and standards
Middle School, grades 6-8
The middle school program consists of the following:
Cluster grouped for Language Arts and Math and differentiated within the classroom in 6th and 7th grades
Accelerated Language Arts and Algebra in the 8th grade
Within these classes teachers strive to provide:
Higher levels of abstraction earlier
Longer periods of work time for in-depth study
Faster pace of instruction
Exposure to multiple viewpoints and many subject areas
Concept-based curriculum with interdisciplinary connections
High School, grades 9-12
Honors and AP classes include:
9th Grade
Honors Biology
Honors Geometry
Honors English
AP Computer Science Principles
10th Grade
AP World History
Pre AP English 10
Honors Algebra II
Honors Chemistry
Honors Geometry
Honors Earth & Space
AP Computer Science Principles
11th Grade
AP US History
AP Spanish
AP English Language & Composition
AP Statistic
AP Psychology
Honors Chemistry
Honors Integrated Chemistry/Physics
AP Chemistry
Honors Earth & Space
AP Computer Science Principles
12th Grade
AP Spanish Language & Culture
AP Computer Science Principles
AP English Lit & Composition
AP Biology
AP Calculus AB
AP Statistics
AP Psychology
AP Chemistry
AP Micro Economics
Advance Speech & Communication
ITCC English
ITT Sociology
AP Government & Politics
Honors Earth and Space
AP French
Dual credit classes are available.
Diplomas offered include Academic Honors, Technical Honors
Appeals Procedure
An appeal process is in place in the event the identification team does not place a child in services and a teacher, parent, or other person close to the child challenges this decision. The following steps clarify the appeal process:
The petitioner contacts the building principal who provides an appeal request form.
Appeal request form is completed and delivered to the high ability coordinator.
Coordinator reviews student profile and request alternative assessments which may include:
Alternative aptitude measure
Approved classroom work samples
The identification team reconvenes to consider new data. This meeting may include an interview with the student and/or petitioners.
Identification team reports results to coordinator.
Coordinator reports results to petitioner.
Exit Procedure
If a student, parent, or teacher believes a high ability placement for services is no longer appropriate, he or she may:
Arrange a conference with the parties involved, including the parent and the teacher providing services. This conference may be a telephone conference.
Parent, student, and teacher examine issues of concern and discuss interventions that may be implemented.
Participants agree on a probationary period not less than one semester to implement interventions.
At the end of the probationary period, the parent, student and teacher meet to review progress and determine whether or not the student should exit services.
If an exit is deemed appropriate, the parent signs permission to “de-flag” student for high ability placement and services.
Parent permission for exit and documentation of meetings/ interventions are sent to the high ability coordinator.
High ability coordinator removes high ability flag from student database.
Professional Development
· Assessments/Identification
· Appropriate curriculum and instruction
· Guidance and counseling
Twin Lakes Multifaceted High Ability Identification Plan
Components | Grade Levels | Measures | Selection Procedure |
Norm –Referenced Aptitude Measures - Cognitive Abilities Test | Elementary
2nd and 4th
New Students in 2nd and 4th | CogAt
120 (SAS) score 95%tile or higher (using local norms and with consideration of the standard error of measure) 95%tile with teacher recommendation |
| Middle
| Records review of past test scores – if available | 95%tile or higher (using local norms and with consideration of the standard error of measure)
95%tile with teacher recommendation |
| High School | PSAT | Use AP Potential tool to generate list of students likely to earn 3, 4, 5 on AP exams |
Norm-Referenced Achievement Measure – or other evidence of ability to perform above grade level
| Elementary K-2
STAR Early Literacy
I-Ready ELA |
90% Percentile Rank/Spring
Above Grade Level (GREEN) |
| Elementary | ILEARN | Above Proficiency in ELA and/or Math See ILEARN Cut Scores Below |
| High School | ECA
| 95% or Higher Score of 4 or 5 |
Qualitative Indicators
| Elementary | Teacher or Self Nomination
| Supporting evidence |