District Performance
We know that students are so much more than a single test score. Extensive feedback from educators, families, communities, and employers has consistently shown that there are a number of key characteristics critical to a student’s lifelong success. Whether their next steps include enrollment, employment, or enlistment leading to service, we all share a commitment to preparing Indiana’s students for a dynamic future.
Together, our mission is to empower Indiana’s educators, families, communities, and employers with a learner-centered, future-focused dashboard that displays how our students are building the necessary knowledge and skills—in all grades and in all schools— through the Indiana Graduates Prepared to Succeed dashboard, or Indiana GPS.
The Indiana GPS dashboard seeks to:
Empower educators by providing a variety of essential data points to support continuous improvement of student learning across the K-12 continuum,
Support families and community stakeholders by providing meaningful, relevant, and transparent information about school progress and performance, and
Elevate the highest-performing schools as models of excellence, and identify other schools for additional support.
Parents/ public can find schools near them by entering an address, city, or zip code OR they can select a corporation/school by typing the name. Recognitions such as Green Ribbon, Four Star, Advanced Placement, Family Friendly, Blue Ribbon are also displayed for schools and corporations that have received them. And the site is fully translated into Spanish.
Student Population: Enrollment
These data represent the pupil enrollment counts of students as of the October 1, 2018. This count does not represent other counts through-out the year, such as the membership count, which is the official count for student tuition payments.
Student Achievement: Proficiency
Student proficiency measures whether students have met or exceeded grade-level standards and expectations in English/Language Arts and Mathematics. These data are the data points published as part of the report cards and include students who took both the state assessment and state alternate assessment. They include only students who were enrolled in the school for at least 162 days. The data displayed represents the 2017-2018 school year. Spring 2019 ILEARN and IAM data will be published on the site later this fall after the state grades/ratings are finalized by the State Board of Education.
Graduation measures whether students successfully completed all requirements to move on from high school. These data represent the federal graduation rate calculation and the 2017-2018 school year.
College and Career Readiness
College and career readiness measures whether students are prepared for postsecondary life by achieving college or career credentials while still in high school. College or career credentials include successful completion of an approved industry certification; successful completion of at least three hours of college-level courses; a passing score on an Advanced Placement exam; or a passing score on the International Baccalaureate exam. These data are the data points published as part of the report cards.
Safety and Disciplinary Incidents
Safety and Discipline Incidents includes all in-school suspensions, out-of-school suspensions, expulsions and bullying events. Arrests, referrals, and gang related events that don’t result in disciplinary action are not included.