SS Dept

Michael Gilbert-Department Head

Years at TLHS: 22

Current Classes: World History, Sociology, Psychology and AP Psychology

College: University of Illinois and Indiana State University

Mr. Gilbert has spent time traveling Western and Central Europe.


Gabrielle Kerker

Years at TLHS: 3

Current Classes: US History and AP US History

College: Black Hawk College and Purdue University

Fun Class Activities: Magazine projects, Gallery Walks, Simulation with events in US History

Club Sponsor: National Honor Society and Freshman Class


Kaitlyn Shafer

Years at TLHS: 2

Current Classes: Work History, Prep for College & Careers

College: Purdue University

Fun Class Activities: Superhero Philosophers, Stock Market Crash Simulation and Vision Board Project

Club Sponsor: National Honor Society and Freshman Class

Easton Minthorn

Years at TLHS: 2

Current Classes: US History, Economics

Fun Class Activities: Marshmallow Tower and Create a Business Project


Sarah Ryan

Years at TLHS: 1

Current Classes: Government, AP Government

College: Purdue University

Fun Class Activities: Preamble song, gummy bear government, mock senate and bill project

Club Sponsor: Senior Class